Your breath is like a message to your nervous system, telling your brain whether the world around you is safe or if there’s some danger. Quick, shallow breathing triggers the brain’s ‘fight or flight’ response as if a threat like a tiger is nearby or you’re under attack. While this response was helpful in ancient times, it also kicks in when our inbox is overloaded and our lives are too busy.

Detoxification and Cleansing:
Breathing in fresh air is good for our lungs because it has oxygen, which our body needs to work correctly. When we breathe fresh air, our lungs take in the oxygen and send it to every part of our body. This oxygen helps give us more energy, helps with our body’s processes, and keeps our cells healthy. Getting enough oxygen for our organs to work well and strengthen our immune system is essential. Lousy stuff can stay in our lungs if we breathe in dirty air. But breathing in fresh air helps eliminate the bad stuff and keeps our lungs healthy. Taking deep breaths of fresh air regularly can help prevent sickness and support our body’s natural way of getting rid of toxins.
Improved Mental Clarity and Focus:
Fresh air isn’t just beneficial for our physical health; it also has a profound impact on our mental health. Spending time outdoors and breathing in fresh air has been linked to improved cognitive function, increased concentration, and enhanced mental clarity. Fresh air stimulates the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood elevation, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. On the other hand, slow, deep, mindful breathing tells your brain that you are safe. It signals that there’s no need for a rush of adrenaline and that your brain can focus on other things, such as thinking, working calmly, and having creative thoughts.
Improved Sleep Quality:
Quality sleep is essential for overall health, and fresh air can play a key role in promoting restful sleep. Exposure to clean, fresh air helps regulate the levels of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that influence our sleep-wake cycle. By spending time outdoors and incorporating fresh air into our daily routine, we can improve the quality of our sleep, leading to better overall health. Having a good sleep is linked to fresh air. Breathing in fresh air, especially at night, helps you sleep better. More oxygen and the calming effect of nature make you feel relaxed, so falling asleep and having a peaceful night is easier.
Strengthening the Immune System:
Fresh air is a natural immune booster. The oxygen present in fresh air supports the production and functioning of immune cells, helping the body defend itself against infections and illnesses. Regular exposure to fresh air, especially in natural environments, has been associated with a strengthened immune system, making individuals more resilient to common ailments. Breathing in fresh air not only feels good but also helps your immune system. Oxygen is important for your body’s cells to work, especially for the immune system. Also, being outside exposes your body to different natural things, making your immune system strong.
Practice breathing from your diaphragm:
This month, try to notice how you breathe and use methods to calm your breath when you feel stressed. Spend at least 5 minutes each day, either all at once or a few minutes at a time, paying attention to your breath. You can try different diaphragm breathing exercises at home to use your diaphragm the right way. It’s good to do these exercises when you’re calm and relaxed. Doing them regularly may help you:
- Need less oxygen.
- Breathe more slowly, making it easier.
- Strengthen your diaphragm.
- Breathe with less effort and energy.
- Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Keep your mouth closed and breathe in slowly through your nose, counting to four if it helps.
- Let your belly push out as you breathe in, keeping your chest still.
- Breathe out through your mouth, allowing your belly to come back in. Count slowly to five or six to make sure you breathe out completely.
- Repeat this 5 to 20 times.

The essence of fresh air:
Breathing in fresh air is important for staying healthy. It has more oxygen, which our cells need for energy. Fresh air helps our breathing, keeps our heart healthy, and gives our body more oxygen, making us feel lively. Going outside and being in nature lets you hear a mix of sounds like leaves rustling, insects buzzing softly, and birds chirping sweetly. These natural sounds make a peaceful atmosphere, which is very different from the busy and noisy city life. Being surrounded by nature’s sounds can help lower stress and make your mind feel relaxed.
Getting some fresh air in the sunlight has its own advantages beyond just being outside. Sunlight gives us Vitamin D, which is important for our bones and immune system. It also helps make serotonin, a chemical in our brains that helps regulate our mood and makes us feel good. To live a healthier and more balanced life, it’s important to get fresh air every day. You can do this by taking short breaks outside at work, exercising outdoors, or going for walks in nature. These simple habits can easily make fresh air a regular part of your daily routine.
Here are seven tips to help you breathe better:
Change how you sleep:
Try sleeping on your side with your head raised by pillows and a pillow between your legs. Or sleep on your back with bent knees and a pillow under your head and knees. But avoid sleeping on your back if you snore or have sleep apnea.
Make healthy lifestyle choices:
Maintain a healthy weight, eat nutritious foods, and get flu and pneumonia vaccines. Avoid smoking, secondhand smoke, and other irritants. Use air filters to improve indoor air quality.
Practice meditation regularly by focusing on your breath without trying to control it. This can bring mental clarity, peace of mind, and reduce stress.
Maintain good posture:
Practice good posture to allow your chest and spine to expand fully. This helps you breathe more effectively, making daily and physical activities easier.
Consider singing to improve breathing and lung function. Singing helps people with lung conditions breathe slowly, and strengthens breathing muscles.
Stretch and flex:
Relieve tightness in your shoulders, chest, and back with flexibility and stretching exercises. Engage in activities like swimming or rowing to stay active.
Anatomy of a breath
Your breathing relies on muscles near your lungs, such as the diaphragm, which is a dome-shaped muscle below your lungs. When you breathe in, the diaphragm tightens, letting your lungs expand in your chest.
There are other muscles involved, like the intercostals muscles between your ribs, which contract to lift and widen your rib cage during inhalation. The muscles in your abdomen, neck, and collarbone area also play a role. To breathe properly, your respiratory system, which includes the lungs, blood vessels, and airways, works to bring in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. These airways consist of bronchial tubes, larynx, mouth, nose, nasal cavities, and trachea. Using your respiratory system effectively ensures that you breathe well and reach your maximum breathing capacity.

Diaphragm breathing exercise lying down
Incorporating lean protein sources such as poultry, fish and legumes into your diet can help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide a sustained source of energy. Protein is essential for muscle repair and overall body function, contributing to increased alertness and reduced feelings of tiredness.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and a pillow under your head.
- Place a pillow under your knees to support your legs.
- Put one hand on your upper chest and the other below your rib cage so you can feel the movement of your diaphragm.
- Inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your stomach expand to press into your hand.
- Keep the hand on your chest as still as possible.
- Engage your stomach muscles and draw them toward your spine as you exhale using pursed lips.
- Again, keep the hand on your upper chest as still as possible.
- Continue breathing like this for the duration of your exercise session. After you learn this breathing technique lying down, you may wish to try it while sitting in a chair.