Ever wonder why you sweat a lot? Don’t worry – sweating is normal.

“Sweating is a regular response to heat or anxiety,” said a surgeon in Austin, Texas. Sweating is the body’s way of cooling off. However, some people experience excessive sweating — in their armpits, necks, or feet — without an apparent reason. This might be a medical condition called hyperhidrosis, affecting nearly 4.8 percent of the population, or around 15.3 million Americans, according to research.
Normally, we sweat to regulate our body temperature. But excessive sweating can lead to stained shirts, body odors, and impact social relationships and self-esteem.

According to the Mayo Clinic, hyperhidrosis is abnormally excessive sweating not necessarily linked to heat or exercise. People with hyperhidrosis sweat so much that it soaks through their T-shirts or drips off their hands. This condition can disrupt daily life, causing embarrassment and social anxiety.

The most common type of hyperhidrosis is primary focal or essential hyperhidrosis, where the nerves triggering sweat glands become overactive. Even when not hot or active, hands, feet, or face.
A more serious form of abnormal sweating is secondary hyperhidrosis, indicating a malfunction in the central or peripheral nervous system. This excessive sweating is usually a result of a medical condition, including:

While excessive sweating isn’t a serious or life-threatening issue, it can be embarrassing, making you feel uncomfortable and anxious. Fortunately, there are medical treatments for hyperhidrosis, but you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. Research indicates that primary hyperhidrosis can increase the risk of bacterial and fungal skin infections. If your excessive sweating seems overwhelming, it’s essential to see a doctor to regain control and prevent potential infections.

Here are things to know about excessive sweating — how to manage it, where it’s most common on the body, and how to determine if you are showing signs of hyperhidrosis.

Profusely Sweaty Hands Is Palmer Hyperhidrosis

If your hands are always very sweaty, it could be a condition called palmer hyperhidrosis. This just means that you sweat a lot from your palms. It can be a bit embarrassing, especially if you need to shake hands with people, and it might make you feel uncomfortable. People experiencing underarm hyperhidrosis often sweat a lot from other body parts like their hands, feet, and groin. A dermatologist from Water’s Edge Dermatology explains that these areas have high concentrations of sweat glands. Palmer hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating of the palms, making it challenging to hold a pen or pencil, write, drive a car, or use a computer keyboard due to slippery hands.

hand sweat

Do you think over About Sweaty Armpits?

When you have underarm hyperhidrosis, many times it’s difficult to think about anything else. You worry that others will notice that your shirt is always soaked. You may become self-conscious and begin to withdraw, avoiding physical contact with other people. You may even be reluctant to dance at parties or work out at the gym for fear it will make your armpit sweat worse.

Deodorants Don’t Do Enough to Block Armpit Sweat

Check with your doctor if you wonder why you sweat easily; there are solutions. Regular over-the-counter deodorants may not help if you have excessively sweaty armpits, regardless of how frequently you use them. You might find some relief with antiperspirants that contain a high concentration of aluminum chloride since it binds to and blocks sweat glands. However, this may not always be sufficient. 

 Consult your doctor for a stronger, prescription-strength antiperspirant to control armpit sweat. While some people find success with prescription antiperspirants, occasional additional treatment might be necessary, as mentioned by Jacob DeLaRosa, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, Idaho.

Hyperhidrosis Has Nothing to Do With Good Hygiene

Underarm hyperhidrosis has nothing to do with hygiene, says Dr. Nonetheless, people with hyperhidrosis, particularly armpit sweat, find they soak through their shirts soon after putting them on, so they shower constantly and change their clothes several times a day. This may keep you dry temporarily, but when you have hyperhidrosis, showering frequently, even with strong soaps and shower gels, won’t stop the problem. Talking to your doctor or dermatologist about hyperhidrosis treatment will.

Medical Management Can Help You Cope With Symptoms of Excessive Sweating

Sweating too much isn’t dangerous, but it can limit your life if it causes you to withdraw from daily activities, says dermatologist. If you notice signs of hyperhidrosis like sweaty armpits, soaking hands, or wet shoes, talk to your doctor.

According to the Mayo Clinic, common treatments for excessive sweat include:

If your doctor identifies hyperhidrosis, you’ll likely start with prescription antiperspirants, creams, or medications before considering Botox injections and other procedures. In severe cases, more permanent solutions like surgery may be considered.

Are You Sloshing in Your Sweaty Shoes?

Some people who sweat excessively under their arms also experience plantar hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating of the soles of the feet, according to UCSF Health. When your feet sweat a lot, your socks and shoes become wet, making it feel like you’ve walked in a puddle. 

Taking off your shoes and socks in public places, such as the gym locker room or the shoe store, might make you uncomfortable due to the resulting odor. You might have eliminated sandals from your wardrobe because your slippery feet make it challenging to wear them, and walking barefoot can be problematic when you leave wet footprints behind.

sweat shoe

Armpit Sweat Makes It Impossible to Keep Clothes Dry

Excessive sweating under your arms is known as axillary hyperhidrosis. A sign that you might have this condition is how you choose to dress. If you avoid wearing light or bright-colored tops because you’re worried about underarm sweat stains being noticeable, or if you steer clear of delicate fabrics like silk because you fear they might get ruined, you’re likely dealing with excessive underarm sweat. Men with this condition may also keep their suit jackets on, even in warm weather, to hide shirt stains around their sweaty armpits.

Tips for Excessive Sweating

Dealing with excessive sweating? Here are some simple tips to help you manage it:

Wear clothes made from breathable fabrics like cotton, as they allow better air circulation, keeping you cooler.
Drink plenty of water to regulate your body temperature and help prevent excessive sweating.
Look for antiperspirants with aluminum chloride, as they can help control sweat production.
Opt for cool showers to lower your body temperature and reduce sweating.
Stress can trigger sweating, so practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
Keep your underarms dry by using absorbent powders or applying antiperspirant at night.
Dress in layers, so you can remove clothing as needed to stay comfortable.
Remember, everyone sweats, but these tips can help you manage excessive sweating and feel more comfortable in daily activities.

Causes of Excessive sweating

Here are some simple explanations for why it might occur:
Sweating is your body’s way of cooling down. When it’s hot or you’re exercising, you might sweat more to maintain a normal body temperature.
Feeling nervous or stressed can make you sweat more. It’s like your body’s response to being anxious.
Eating spicy foods can sometimes make you sweat because they can increase your body temperature.
Certain health conditions, like hyperthyroidism or diabetes, may cause excessive sweating. If you suspect a medical reason, it’s essential to see a doctor.
Being overweight can lead to more sweating because your body is working harder.
Sometimes, excessive sweating runs in families, so it could be part of your genes.
Wash areas prone to sweating with a mild soap once or twice a day and make sure to dry well to prevent fungal infections.
Opt for loose clothing made of natural materials like cotton, linen, or wool, and avoid synthetic materials.
Change cotton socks twice a day if needed and choose leather or canvas shoes over plastic ones.
Hair removal can also help reduce sweat sticking to hair. Learn to manage stressful situations with relaxation techniques.
Use a deodorant or antiperspirant to stay fresh. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Understanding why you might be sweating more than usual can help you figure out the best ways to manage it. If you’re concerned about your sweating, talking to a doctor can provide more insights and potential solutions.